Our Service to You


Hotshot Dispatch Loads

The profitability in trucking boils down to excellent  negotiation skills. The ability to negotiate rates and find lucrative loads require an expert. We will work professionally with you, to eliminate the hardship of doing it all on your own. We will provide you with the support you need, and take your business to the next level of growth and profitability. Consultation is complimentary and done with ease. Please feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to hold your hand, and go through this trucking journey with you. We are the best on the market so far.

Cost Efficient Dispatching service

A Cost-Effective Dispatch Service for Hotshot Truckers

Lizzport Logistics will provide significant cost savings. We will guarantee highest and best paying loads, at the lowest cost on the market. With years of experience, we have built great relationships with industry leaders in brokerage. Majority of brokers contact us directly before loads are posted on famous load boards. We always strive for the best to keep you and everyone happy. We are a fantastic option for hotshot trucking businesses who want to see a better bottom line.

Pricing - 4% of Gross Income

* Booking Loads

*Filling Setup packets / Contracts with brokers/shippers

*Control over dispatch decisions

*Insurance-related task (Updated COI’s)

*Generate Invoices for brokers/shippers

*Credit Checks (Brokers/Shippers)

*Sending faxes/emails/texts on your behalf (if needed)

*Dispatcher support(8-5 Eastern Time)

*Detention / Layover / TONU support

*No dead times

*Follow up on any payments or detentions/collections.

*24/7 option available for extra 1%